
View All Site Collection Users in SharePoint 2010 and 2013

I have had to do this a few times so I thought I would put this out here so I can find it easily again.  In SharePoint 2007 there was this nice view of all the users in a site collection, this provided a great way to remove users from all parts of the site collection in one shot.  There are many reasons why one might want to do this, if a user is no longer with the company or if there name is not syncing up correctly with a change made in AD.  The ‘secret URL’ in SharePoint 2010 and 2013 to do this is: http(s)://<your site>/_layouts/15/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0 Probably the easiest way to get to this URL is to go into any group on your root site collection and just change the query string to have the Membership Group ID to 0.

Corporate Intranet Information Architecture – a Publishing Site

There have been several occasions in my consulting career where I have discussed what a corporate intranet should look like.   There are several aspects to this question, branding, custom web parts or other bells and whistles, but I believe that the fundamental structure or information architecture is one of if not the most important aspect of a solid, useful corporate intranet. Clearly, each individual company will have a unique look and feel and information architecture.   This will depend on the underlying business as well as the relative size, geographical locations and languages of the company. However, I have noticed certain commonalities across companies and have started to develop a template of how I can help an organization visualize there corporate intranet.   This could be used as a target to reorganize an existing intranet or as a template to stand up a new one.   In either case, changes will have to be made to suit the individual company’s nee...

No Search Results in SharePoint Contextual Search OSSSearchResults.aspx

This is another one for me so I never have to figure this out again.   All the other posts I found when looking into this talked about how to set up a search center and redirect people over there.   That is pretty well documented at this point, but the problem I had was that people were trying to search the local site, being direct to the out of the box _layouts/OSSSearchResults.aspx page and getting no results.   The fix was frustratingly simple, check your alternate access mappings.   If you have extended the web app and users are using the new AAM then that could be the reason that the OOTB search results are not working.   In my case I had the short name as the default, and the FQDN as the custom, I switched them and now everything works.

Get Web Part By GUID

Can't take credit, found this one.  I just want to make sure I can find this again. :) SELECT WebParts . tp_SiteId , WebParts . tp_ID , WebParts . tp_ListId , WebParts . tp_Type , WebParts . tp_Flags , WebParts . tp_BaseViewID , WebParts . tp_DisplayName , WebParts . tp_Version , WebParts . tp_PageUrlID , WebParts . tp_PartOrder , WebParts . tp_ZoneID , WebParts . tp_IsIncluded , WebParts . tp_FrameState , WebParts . tp_View , WebParts . tp_WebPartTypeId , WebParts . tp_AllUsersProperties , WebParts . tp_PerUserProperties , WebParts . tp_Cache , WebParts . tp_UserID , WebParts . tp_Source , WebParts . tp_CreationTime , WebParts . tp_Size , WebParts . tp_Level , WebParts . tp_Deleted , WebParts . tp_HasFGP , WebParts . tp_ContentTypeId , AllDocs . DirName , AllDocs . LeafName FROM WebParts INNER JOIN AllDocs ON WebParts . tp_PageUrlID = AllDocs . Id WHERE ( WebParts . tp_WebPartTypeId = '<Web Part GUID>'

SharePoint Options for Globally Distributed Environments

Introduction Since I started working with SharePoint environments in global companies there has been a common complaint for remote users.  Performance.  Users in remote locations can feel disenfranchised by slow page load times and overall latency of the platform.  In reality, who wants to consume information from a corporate intranet that takes 15 seconds or more to paint a page?  There are several solutions to this issue, with different advantages and drawbacks, and depending on an individual companies unique needs different approaches should be considered. Why is SharePoint Slow?   This is the question that I first asked myself when determining the best way to speed it up.  The framework, one of the greatest strengths of SharePoint is also its icicles heal.  SharePoint provides a robust framework that allows end users to modify pages and content though lists and web parts.  End users can create site collections and sites to rapidly...

cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache

I had this error when I tried deploy a WSP into a SharePoint farm, one of the DLLs needed to go into the GAC (global assembly cache.)   I checked the GAC and the file already existed, I tried to uninstall the file and got the error that the file was in use and could be deleted.   After doing some checking around I found the following link that resolved my issue: __ Basically you go into the registry and find go to the following locations: ·         HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Assemblies\Global ·         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Installer\Assemblies\Global Find the entry for your problem assembly and remove it.   Then try and uninstall the assembly out of the GAC and redeploy your WSP.

Old school kick user with cmd

This is more for my memory; there are far better blog posts on this out there. qwinsta /server <server IP or name> result: SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  STATE   TYPE        DEVICE rwinsta /server <server IP or name> <ID form the result above>