
Showing posts from October, 2011

Start a Metastorm workflow from an external link.

This is a way that you can have users start a workflow without ever having to use the Metastorm dashboard.   You can also use JavaScript to remove the tool bars if needed. (See previous posts) http://<yourMetastormServer>/Metastorm/eForm.aspx?Map=<ProcessName>&Action=<StartingActionName>&Client=External

Metastorm open form at stage without menu bar on IE from an email that does not allow JavaScript

Ok, so this is follow up to a previous post on opening a Metastorm 9.x form from a link in an email.   The issue is that when you open the form with a direct link the IE tool bar shows up and the form tends to be pushed to the side and overall does not look good.   I have found about ten ways not to do this but this is one that seemed to work.   The issue is that most exchange servers will not let live JavaScript come through because it is a pretty big security risk (you could easily right emails that download viruses if they did.)   The basic strategy is to point the email link to a simple web app that you create and bounce/redirect that to the Metastorm form.   In the custom web app you can pull the required information about the form and as long as the web app is in the companies trusted zone JavaScript is usually enabled. This is a very simple example that will work as long as you are opening the form at a folder, not an action, however, the app could b...

OSQL use in batch file

osql -E -d %DBNAME% -Q "%SQLQuery%" -S %DBSERVER% ie To put a database in single user mode, use "master" as the database. osql -E -d master-Q "alter database %DBNAME% set single_user with rollback immediate" -S %DBSERVER%

Metastorm open form at stage with out menu bar on IE

Use the followin script so no menu shows: <a href=”#”"<bpm url>",null,”height=700,width=900,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no")>link</a>; The default link: http://<metastorm server>/Metastorm/eFolder.aspx?&FolderID=<Folder ID>&Service=<service name>&Client=External note the defalut service name is: 'Metastorm BPM Server'

Email ToDo List in Metastorm BPM 9.1

GetEmailAddresses(GetToDoList(ProcessContext.FolderId)).ToString().Replace( '\t' , ';' )