Metastorm - Open form in an action from a list or link
Below is the SQL underneath the custom list with the link to open an action. If you are opening from outside of a Metastorm client, you may need to add the ‘SessionID’ parameter containing a valid session ID 9. I haven’t tried this with the current 9.1 SSO, it may be unnecessary. If the session id parameter is still necessary, usually we write a wrapper aspx page to authenticate to user, grab the session id and redirect them to the action. The syntax is http://<servername/Metastorm/eForm.aspx?Map=<process map name>&Action=<action name>&Folder=<folder name>&FolderID=<folderid>&Service=<BPM Service Name>&Client=External&FolderLaunchURL=&FolderCancelURL=&IsFolderAction=True SELECT eFolder . eFolderID , eFolder . eFolderName , eFolder . eStageName , eFolder . eUpdated , eFolder . eSubject , ITProjectInitiation . txtProjectName , CASE WHEN LEN ( IT...